Monday, January 15, 2018

Murchyk's First Real Interest in a Big Screen - Video

Well, hello everyone! It has been a while since I posted something here. Now it is about time - our Murchyk the cat made our movie night!
My husband and I were watching a nature documentary. Our Murchyk the cat was watching with us as always. Well, he is not normally watching - he is mostly sleeping all our movie nights. But last night he got unexpectedly excited of this nature documentary. He seems really interested what this Big Kitty (a snow leopard) is doing on a screen. Our movie night end up watching not as much of documentary - we were amazed how our cat is reacted on it. Of course, we started filming this reaction on a video, which we are sharing with you now. Hope you have as much fun watching our beloved kitty as we did:

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Best Cat's Purring Ever!

Here is our Murchyk the cat is purring:

The best, sweetest purr ever! Got lots of healing power for sure!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Murchyk the Cat is Hunting for Outdoor Insects

Beautiful weather, nice and quite evening, and our Maine Coon the cat (his name is Murchyk) is up to some hunting for outdoor insects. I don't know who had more fun that night - our cat hunting or I am filming him :) Enjoy the video!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Our Maine Coon Just Loves To Be Brushed!

This is our sweet Maine Coon - Murchyk the cat. Can you hear him purring? That's how he like to be brushed :) Well, somewhere, in the middle of his brushing he think that brush is his toy, but it's okay. Murchyk is very playful cat in general, so, I just let him to have some his cat's fun :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Our Murchyk the Cat - Waiting for Canadian Spring

Murchyk the cat is waiting for Canadian spring
"Listen! I am not copying this famous cat - I am laying down like this since the day I born! And I really, really want to go outside, but please, please, please take this stupid snow, and ice, and wind somewhere away!" - our Murchyk's today's speech.
Today, March 17, 2015, on the St. Patrick's Day, is still snowing in some areas of Canada, and particularly in ours. So our Murchyk the cat just simply tired from this long winter! He wants spring!
So, where are you, Canadian spring?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Meanwhile in Ukraine – Cat-Protester

Ukraine in the news – the protests has began over there on November 21, 2013 and right now, few days before Christmas 2013, still going on. The protesters, which are millions of Ukrainian people, are not happy that Ukrainian authority is not going to the West, to European integration; instead, the authority is pushing the country closer to the East, to be tied up with Russia, like it was in Soviet time. People are on the streets because they don’t want to go back to renovating of USSR!
More details of the protests are in the news or Wikipedia link. I just wanted to post a random picture from the protests in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. As you can see on the photo, this cute kitty-cat is protesting too – he is wearing bands with colors of Ukrainian flag and a European Union flag. Such a beautiful cat!
Dear kitty from Ukraine, which is my home country as well, I wish your people to win!
Meanville in Ukraine Cat Protester

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Murchyk the Cat is Packing Christmas Gifts

Christmas 2013 is just around the corner! Murchyk the cat is packing Christmas gifts to our friends and family:
Murchyk the Cat is getting ready to Christmas 2013
Purry and Meowy Christmas 2013 and Happy New Year everyone! From the Murchyk, Canadian cat with Ukrainian name

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

British Shorthair Kittens - So Cute!

These British shorthair fur-babies are kittens of Richard, the cat from Ukraine.  Yep, not long time ago Richard was a kitten himself; now he is a father of those cuties!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Murchyk the Cat and His Halloween

Our Murchyk the cat on Halloween, waiting for trick-or-treaters. Happy Halloween everyone!

Friday, October 4, 2013

How to become a good boyfriend? 12 tips from kitten Rocky for you!

Question to you, single guys – do you know how to become a good boyfriend?
Kitten Rocky has 12 tips for you on this subject. If I would be a girl, not a married woman, I would say – kitten is right! Well, some tips would apply even for husbands J

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New cat video is getting viral – kitty sits on hedgehog!

Pussycat is trying his buddy hedgehog out – nope, not really comfy to sit on him! Actually, not comfy at all! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pottery Cat from Ukraine – Inspired by Murchyk?

Here is cute cat-themed piece of craft – a pottery cat:
Pottery Murchyk the cat
Inspired by our Murchyk the cat? (at the picture below) What do you think?
Murchyk the Cat
Speaking seriously, the pottery cat is made in Lviv, Ukraine. My friend Olya from Ukraine got it for a gift.
And our Murchyk the cat, despite his Ukrainian name, live in Canada. But Ukrainian pottery crafters have lots of local Murchyks to be inspired (Murchyk is a very typical cat's name in Ukraine).
Anyway. This year – 2013 – my husband and I were travelling to three countries, Ukraine, Denmark and Greece, and each of them has unique cat-themed pottery and glass arts and crafts. So more posts about cat-related gifts to come!